The Committee
The Mietta Song Competition Committee continues to provide opportunities for art song performance and professional development for singers and their accompanying pianists.
Art song is a form which was very dear to Mietta’s heart and the Committee works to enhance the calibre of the Award and to promote the genre.
Committee Members
Michael Corry (acting Chair)
Alex Furman
Margaret Haggart
Julie Houghton
Tony Knox
Patricia O’Donnell
Sally Romanes
Joan Spiller
Artistic Committee Members
Professor Mel Waters
Alex Furman
Eidit Golder
Margaret Haggart
Adrian McEniery
Dermot Tutty
Vale Helen Noonan

In July 2016 the Mietta Song Competition lost one of its most valued, enthusiastic and committed members, Helen Noonan.
As a committee member of the MSC, Helen threw herself into the role, playing a central role in promotions and creating goodwill and buzz for the Competition. She brought enthusiasm to every task and was an inspiring and welcoming figure for competitors and colleagues alike. Helen will be greatly missed and her warmth and generosity of spirit will be remembered by all those who had the pleasure of knowing her.