David McNicol’s interest in accompanying began as a teenager accompanying singers and instrumentalists at eisteddfods and musical societies. He graduated as a soloist from the Melba Conservatorium, where he studied accompaniment with Margaret Schofield, and was later awarded a scholarship to study accompanying in London with Geoffrey Parsons. In 1990 David joined Opera Australia as trainee repetiteur, accompanying principal artists in recitals throughout Australia. He has served as official accompanist for the Herald Sun Aria final, the German-Australian Operatic Award, the Welsh Singer of the Year Award and the Lieder Society’s Liederfest. David has performed as soloist and accompanist in many live broadcasts for ABC Classic FM. Internationally, David has performed throughout Asia and Europe. In 2004 he toured South Korea, accompanying Helen Noonan in Chamber Made Opera’s production of Recital. Official accompanist and vocal coach at the Melba Conservatorium, David is very involved in the musical life of Melbourne as a freelance pianist and accompanist.